
Bakong Temple

Bakong TempleConstructed: Late 9th century C.E.Religion: HinduKing/Patron: Indravarman IStyle: Preah Ko Roluos Group: The most impressive member of the Roluos Group, sitting at the center of the first Angkorian capital. Hariharalaya. Bakong stands 15 meters tall and is 650x850m at the outer wall. Constructed by the third Angkorian-era king as his state-temple, Bakong represents the first application of the temple-mountain […]

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Boeng Melea Temple

Boeng Melea TempleThe remains of Boeng Mealea, which are still partly buried under vegetation, consist of perfectly squared-off sandstone building blocks. The outstanding decoration dates from the fist half of the 12thcentury.  In various times, the pediments of some buildings are sculpted with narrative scenes from the Ramayana, and while Hindu iconographic themes are plentiful,

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Preah Khan Temple

Preah Khan TempleConstructed: Late 12th century C.E.Religion: BuddhistKing/Patron: Jayavarman VIIStyle: Bayon Preah Khan was built on the site of Jayavarman VII’s victory over the invading Chams in 1191. In its heyday, this was the centre of a substantial organisation with almost 100,000 officials and servants. This temple is flat in design, with a basic plan of successive rectangular galleries around a

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Ta Prohm Temple

Ta Prohm TempleConstructed: Mid 12th – Early 13th century C.E.Religion: BuddhistKing/Patron: Jayavarman VIIStyle: Bayon Prohm, a Bayon style temple, is believed to be built in the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries.  It was founded by King Jayavarman VII as a Mahayana Buddhist monastery and university. Unlike most Angkorian temples, Ta Prohm has been left in much the same condition in

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Banteay Srei Temple

Banteay Srei TempleConstructed: Late 10th century C.E.Religion: Hindu (Shiva)King/Patron: RajendravarmanStyle: Banteay Srey Consecrated in 967 A.D, Banteay Srei was speculated to have been known earlier as Banteay Serai, which literally means the Citadel of Victory.  This was the only major temple at Angkor not built by a monarch; its construction is credited to a courtier named Yajnavaraha, who was a

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Angkor Thom Temple

Angkor Thom TempleConstructed: Late 12th – Early 13th century C.E.Religion: BuddhismKing/Patron: Jayavarman VIIStyle: Bayon Angkor Thom is a very popular tourist spot. It was established in the late twelfth century to early thirteenth century by King Jayavarman VII. This site is situated 1.7 Km north of Angkor Wat, within which are located several monuments from earlier eras as well as those

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Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat – Heritage of Humanity and World WonderConstructed: Early – Mid 12th century C.E.Religion: HinduismKing/Patron: Suryavarman IIStyle: Angkor Wat  Angkor Wat which literally means ‘City Temple’ is a Hindu temple complex built to replicate the heavens on earth.  Constructed for King Suryavarman II in the early twelfth century, it is the best-preserved temple and is the only one to

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